Decorative paint: 0888354499
Protective paint: 0913126126 - 0987443493

  • Color: White
  • Description:

    - Eco-paint base lime + Graphene

    - Absorbing CO2

    - Ordourless, ready to move in after painting, suitable for repair and new paint


Graphene Nano molecular eco-paint, used for both interior and exterior.

No Plastic, no volatile organic compounds (VOCs), no Formaldehyde, non-toxic, breathable, the house can "breathe".

Odorless, after painting, we can move in immediately. The paint has high coverage, thick, easy to clean, easy to use,

The paint has additives to kill bacteria, moss, and mold, suitable for tropical climates. Lifespan over 10 years


- Can be applied on wall surfaces without mattic putty

- No need for alkali-resistant primer

- Easily apply: by brush, roller or airless-sprayer

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- Odorless, ready to move in after painting.

- No Plastic.

- No volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

- No Formaldehyde.

- Non-toxic, breathable, the house can "breathe".

- Lifespan over 10 years.